Wednesday, September 29, 2010
My Job Title
My primary job is this: waker-upper, clothes-dresser, diaper-changer, potty-trainer, seat-wiper, mediator, picker-upper, TV-controller, story-reader, school-delivery-driver, nap-enforcer, bath-giver, jammie-putter-onner, teeth-brusher, tucker-inner. I am also the meal preparer, financial manager, gardener, and cleaner (although the last one is up for debate).
When I'm not doing that job I am a calf-feeder, cow-getter, substitute teacher, and student.
So maybe I'm a work from home mom? I don't know. What I do know is this: some days my kids drive me batty. Some days I would like to run away from the "Mommy"s, "why" s, "help me"s, the whining, and the tears, but that is my primary job and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins
3 Cups sugar
1 cup oil (I used 1/2 oil, 1/2 applesauce)
4 eggs (I only used 3 because that's all I had)
2 tsp vanilla extract
3 1/2 cups flour
1 1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
2 tsp cinnamon (I love the Penzey's cinnamon)
1 tsp ground nutmeg
2/3 cup milk
1 3/4 cup canned pumpkin (not pie filling). (I,obviously, used fresh pumpkin)
1 cup chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 350. Spray tins with cooking spray. Beat together sugar, oil, eggs, and vanilla. In a seperate bowl, sift together dry ingredients. Gradually add egg mixture to flour mixture and blend. Add half the milk and half the pumpkin, mix, repeat. Fold in the chocolate chips. Spoon the batter into muffin tins, about 2/3 full. Bake for 20 minutes until springy and brown.
The recipe says it yields 24 muffins. I made 39 muffins plus 24 mini muffins. Maybe it was the fresh pumpkin, but it made a lot of muffins. Luckily they are delicious.

Saturday, September 25, 2010
IUD Follow-Up
Friday, September 24, 2010
Preschool Update
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Fancy Boots and the Missing Calf

I discovered this flaw the other day as I was searching for a missing heifer calf. About a week ago we had a new heifer calf. When I went to the back to feed the other calves, she was in her pen sleeping peacefully, curled up in the straw. About an hour later I went back to give her a bottle of milk, only she was gone. About this time it also started to rain. Now we have around 200 head of cattle on our farm in various places. We've had calves get out before, but they usually prance in front of the other calves or go bother some cows nearby. Not this one. She was completely gone. Our hired help and I wandered back into the grove a little ways, into the dry cow yard, anywhere a calf might have gone, only to find nothing, no sign of her at all. I felt so bad. It was cold and rainy and this helpless little calf hadn't eaten since the night before. To top it off, she's a heifer, which we'd really like to keep. I wandered through puddles, which led to the discovery of numerous holes in my boots, and all over our farm in the rain. Nothing. The story does, fortunately, have a happy ending. At some point she wandered back home and Pat noticed her and put her back in her pen. She wasn't too wet so she must have been protected back in the grove somewhere. She hasn't been out since. As for my boots, they have been replaced by some new, boring, yet non-leaking, rubber boots.
Hey, at Least It's a Post!
I wish that sentence ended with at Uno, or Phase 10, or something, but sadly it does not.
Tired of looking for blog fodder? Here’s a simple Meme. Tag yourself if you want to!
What I’m reading now: Applied Combinatorics by Alan Tucker, thrilling, I know! and the latest edition of The Reader's Digest.
What I want to read next: The Help by Kathryn Stockett
What I’m watching: Biggest Loser, The Office, and Community, almost religiously, and shows like The Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother when I can catch them.
What I’m reading to my kid: Anything with dinosaurs or firetrucks
What my kid is reading: How Do Dinosaurs Play with Their Friends with the help of his Tag Jr.
What I’m listening to: Music from the National Youth Gathering, particularly You are Holy
What I’m cooking from: A Year of Slow Cooking and a few of my fail proof recipes.
What I’m looking forward to: Thursday when I have no where to go and maybe I can accomplish something. I guess I'll keep dreaming...
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Good Riddance Stubby!
We had another strange thing happen on our farm yesterday. When Pat got up in the morning a cow had calved, which is not unusual. The unusual thing is that there were 2 calves and one had wandered out of the maternity barn and was causing quite a raucous with the late lactation cows. We aren't sure if the cow had twins or if 2 cows calved. In fact, we still aren't sure. The other cow that we suspect, was checked but either she calved of the calf is lying very low and can't be felt. Nobody was really sure what to do until I suggested milking her. Milking her will make her come into labor, if she hasn't calved already. If she has calved, not milking her will cause her to get mastitis and potentially kill her. I'm not really sure why I'm the only one to think of this. They gave her some medication that will induce labor this morning and if she hasn't calved by tonight, we'll start milking her and hope for the best.