My sisters and I are running a team marathon in May. What does that have to do with high school? All 3 of us ran cross country in high school. Jenny, from here on out referred to as Fatty (she asked for it), worked her butt off and made it as an alternate to State (we had a really good team that year, I think they took first or second). Kristen just had fun. She was a middle of the pack runner (although I remember her trading last places with her friend J) and was proud of it. We all ran for different reasons and we all enjoyed it.
I ran my first season because my sisters had run and we didn't have soccer, which was my true passion at the time. Turns out, I ended up with the natural ability. I ran 4 seasons on varsity, never lost a JV race (my first season I ran about half the season on JV), and ran in the state meet twice with our team. I loved it, and I was good at it.
After that I spent my first 2 years on my college track team and was in the best physical condition of my life. I'm not 18 any more. It pains me to admit that. I'm knocking on 30. Good grief, I turn 30 this year!
Anywho, let's not dwell on that. Needless to say, I am not in the peak physical condition of my high school and early college years. I haven't run competitively since college. After my competition days were over I ran and worked out occasionally. Other than a brief stint (like a week last summer) I haven't run a step that hasn't involved chasing after my children. I know that I can run, and I enjoy running, but there are always more appealing options, like napping. So when Kristen brought up this team marathon, I jumped at it. I need some motivation to get me going. The problem is that the marathon is at the end of May and with all this snow on the ground our road won't be passable for cars, much less running, until July.
Kristen uses their local Y and works out a lot, which is ironic from her high school days. Fatty gets paid 3 hours a week to go work out at her job. She gets to take 3 hours out of her day and spend it at the gym, and get PAID for it. She doesn't use it and wants everyone to feel sorry for her. I don't. Our closest gym is about 20-30 minutes away and it just isn't feasible for me to take advantage of it. I'd love to, but it just puts too much strain on everyone else for it to be practical for me. So I don't know what I'm going to do. I used to be able to train like the week in advance, but I just can't do that anymore. I'm hoping to be able to take advantage of the equipment at the fire hall, since Pat is on the
VFD. If not, I'll be the one panting and walking after a mile next May.
Ok, I won't walk, but I'll be the one that pukes and passes out. I may not have the endurance I used to, but my competitive spirit is still as strong as ever!