Ok, so this was going to be a long newsy post, but blogger apparently doesn't want me to download pictures for it, so phooey. Frankly, what good is a post without pictures? So you'll just have to wait. In the mean time, I start school a week from today!
Aaaack! I am so not ready. I'm also putting my name on the sub list at our local high school. I'm not ready for that either, but financially I really need to. As much as my kids drive me nuts most days, I'm not ready to give them up yet. It's going to be hard enough sending Cole to preschool, although it works out that he goes while I am in class. Thankfully he doesn't start for about another month.
Ok, so if I load the pictures one at a time, it will work. So
anywho. My sister came out with her 3 kids about a week and a half ago. The weather wasn't great, but it worked out
ok. The kids got to play on their bikes, ride the gator, and ride Cole's little 4-wheeler. We took them to the Y to do some swimming towards the end of the week. It was nice to have them around, but I was exhausted. Cole is a very quiet, cautious, laid back kid. Tate is not, but he's only 1, so the volume level of our house increased quite a bit while they were here. It was fun though. Cole loved having his cousins to play with and Tova loved having Tate to snuggle, although he didn't enjoy that so much.

Cole and Gavin on the Kettler bike.

Cole and Tova on the Gator.
On Saturday my sister headed home and the boys and I headed to Rochester for a wedding reception. Tate was not a happy camper and his revenge for being stuck in the car was to throw his nukkers and blankie on the floor. I guess it backfired so he turned to his toes instead.

My summer project was to do more painting. I finally got started this week. How daring am I to paint while my children are awake!?! Tate thought it was funny and Cole kept wanting to help. I spent my birthday putting the final coat of paint on the panelled hallway that
separates our bedroom from the bathroom. My goal this week is to paint Pat's bathroom. He even picked out his own paint color, and it looks pretty nice, in the can anyway.

Thursday night we are heading up to Pat's grandparent's cabin for a night away from the farm. Next week I start school and it's also our community fair. This year I've managed to put myself in charge of our church youth group, which means fundraising. I'm actually really excited to be getting a group of kids to go to the National Youth Gathering but it's worse than pulling teeth to get some of these kids and parents to commit to anything. I'm super excited about it though. I have Pat convinced that we can chaperon. I think it will be really nice to go away without our kids and I think it will be a really good experience for Pat since he never attended one in high school. This will be a first for our church so I'm hoping that it goes smoothly.
Well, that about sums it up for me. I'd say I'll try to update more often, but there are no guarantees at the moment. Things haven't been going well on the farm. We've had some problems with our cows, which means lower production and with milk prices so low it's been pretty stressful around here. We're hopefully getting things turned around, but it's been tough. No matter how hard we work we can't raise the milk price and that's really been stressful. I'm off to finish baking my cookies and maybe type up another post for tomorrow! Wouldn't that be special, 2 posts in one week!